Tax Collector Information

It is the responsibility of the property owner to pay his or her bill on time.  In Pomfret, bills are usually mailed the last week of June.  The July bill is the only bill you will receive.  We do not mail bills for the January installment.  Please use the stub provided on the July bill for your January payment.  

The second installment is due on January 1, payable without penalty through February 1.  Second installment real estate and personal property (in the amount of $100 or more) and supplemental motor vehicle taxes are due on January 1, payable by February 1.  (Supplemental MV bills are mailed out around January 1.)  

The real estate and personal property tax bills have two payment slips attached, one for July and the other for January.  Notices are put in the paper to remind you that the January payment is coming due.  You may also sign up for email reminders to be sent to you prior to a collection period.  Making a note on your calendar can be helpful.  If you purchase real estate after July and did not get a bill for the new property at the closing, please call for a copy of the bill for the January payment.

It is also the responsibility of the taxpayer to contact the tax collector's office if you have not received a bill.  According to State Statute 12-130, failure to send or receive a tax bill does not invalidate the tax.  If you do not receive a bill, the obligation to pay the tax and any accrued interest remains.  If you have property for which you are responsible, call the Tax Collector's Office immediately and find out why you did not receive a bill.

Please contact us if you have questions by calling, emailing, or visiting the FAQ section for more information on billings, tax balances due, amount paid, delinquent taxes and interest charged.