Affordable Housing Plan


"The high cost of housing in Connecticut is commonly accepted as the tradeoff for the amenities our state offers, but it doesn't have to be that way.  Connecticut can be a great place to live and provide housing options for people at all levels of income.  Planning for more affordable homes is an important step in changing the common narrative of opposition and creating space for productive community conversations around affordability." - Planning for Affordability in CT. Affordable Housing Plan and Process Guidebook (Dec. 2020)

The Town of Pomfret received a grant from the Connecticut Department of Housing to prepare an Affordable Housing Plan.  Read through the links below to learn a bit more about housing affordability in Pomfret.  Take the survey to provide some input regarding an Affordable Housing Plan in Pomfret.

Affordable Housing Plan - Pomfret Survey

Pomfret Housing Profile - 2020

Pomfret CERC Data - 2019

CT Housing Data Profiles

Affordable Housing Plan and Process Guidebook

Report on Connecticut's Affordable and Accessible Housing Needs

2019 CT Housing Market Snapshot