Election Day Registration


If all voter registration deadlines have been missed, a bona fide resident of the town of Pomfret may register to vote and cast a ballot at the special Election Day Registration location in Pomfret Town Hall. Registration is from 6:00AM until 8:00PM.


By law, a person is eligible to register and vote if he or she is (1) a US citizen, (2) age 18 or older, (3) a bona fide resident of the town in which he or she applies for admission, and (4) have completed confinement and parole if previously convicted of a disfranchising felony.


The Election Day Registration process requires that the voter is not registered to vote in any other municipality in CT, or, if the voter is registered, election officials must determine that the individual has not voted in the other municipality. This will be verified by the Registrars of Voters telephoning the ROV in the other municipality.


The entire process is lengthy, as it includes voter registration, verification, and then finally the actual casting of a ballot. Depending on the popularity of this option and the individual's voter circumastances, wait time may vary from a minimum of 20 minutes to an hour. 

You will need to bring proof of identity and residency.