Bids and Proposals

Per Pomfret Town Ordinance as amended at Annual Town Meeting held on May 17, 2016.

All contracts for goods or capital purchases reasonably estimated to cost $25,000 or more shall require the submission by invitation to bid based upon specifications prepared by the Selectmen, Board of Education, or their designee.  Bidding shall be by sealed bids received at a specified location by a specified date and time.  Bid requests shall be advertised a minimum of ten days in advance of the due date and shall be published in a widely circulated newspaper in northeastern Connecticut.

The Selectmen and/or Board of Education reserve the right to determine the lowest responsible bidder who not only has the lowest bid which conforms with the specifications, but also is financially able and competent to complete the work as evidenced by prior performance in the best interest of the Town.  The Selectmen or Board of Education may reject the low bid by majority vote of the members, and accept the next lowest bid.

For a complete text of the Ordinance Regulating Purchases and Sales for the Town of Pomfret please refer to the Pomfret Town Ordinances.



Invitation to Bid - Pomfret Community School Generator