Elections & Voting

Election Legal Notices:

Sample Ballots: 


All registered voters are able to vote absentee by submitting an absentee ballot application for the following reasons to:

  • My Active Service in the Armed Forces of the United States
  • My Absence from the Town of Residence
  • Sickness
  • My Religious tenets forbid secular activity on the day of the election, primary or referendum
  • My Duties as a primary, election or referendum official at a polling place other than my own during all of the hours of voting
  • Physical disability 

    Distributing Five (5) or More Unsolicited Request for Absentee Ballot Applications forms:  

   See "Absentee Ballot Fact Sheet" at the Office of the Secretary of the State 

 Registering to Vote:

  • You must register to be able to vote.
  • You can register online or
  • You can register in person in the Town Clerk's Office or
  • You can register in person with the Registrars of Voters Tuesdays 9:00 AM to Noon or during any special registration sessions.
  • You should be prepared to present identification when applying in person.
  • If you apply by mail or have not shown identification, you must show identification when voting at an election.
  • The Registrars Of Voters will notify your previous town of your new town of registration.
  • You can notify the Registrars Of Voters of a change of address or change of name during the same hours as above.
  • You can change your party affiliation anytime. However, when changing from one party to another, there is a three month period before you will be enrolled in the new party of choice.
  • You will receive a notice from the Registrars Of Voters of your registration.
  • If you register through the DMV and do not receive a notice from the Registrars Of Voters within a reasonable amount of time, contact the Registrars at 860-315-5730 to be sure they received your registration.

Elections & Primaries:  

  • Elections Are Held The First Tuesday, Following The First Monday, Of Each November Every Year.  State/Federal Elections Are Held On Even Years & Municipal Elections Are Held On Odd Years
  • Primaries (If There Is To Be A Primary) Shall Be Held For State Offices On The Second Tuesday of August; And Primaries For Municipal Offices Shall Be Held On The Fifty-Sixth (56TH) Day Before The Election (CT State Statute 9-423)
  • All Elections & Primaries Are Open For Voting For Registered Voters From 6:00 AM To 8:00 PM
  • Identification-Must Be Presented At All Elections And Primaries To Vote (An Affidavit Attesting To Your Person And Residence Can Be Signed If You Forget To Bring I.D. But Only If You Had Previously Presented I.D... When You Registered To Vote)
  • Absentee Ballots Are Available 31 Days Before An Election And 21 Days Before A Primary, Upon Application Properly Made To The Town Clerk's Office.  See Forms Below
  • Blank Absentee Ballots Can Be Issued To Military Personal, Their Spouses And Dependents Living In The United States Or Overseas, And To Citizens Living Temporarily Overseas Approximately 45 Days Before An Election And Approximately 30 Days Before A Primary, Upon Application Properly Made To The Town Clerk's Office.  See Forms Below
  • Special 90 Day Military Blank Ballots Can Be Issued To Military Contingencies Upon Application Properly Made To The Town Clerk's Office.  See Forms Below

Forms & Documents