Is my property “grandfathered”?

Any lot, structure or use which was in existence at the time of the adoption of the Pomfret Zoning Regulation which is not in conformance with the regulation is called “an existing non conformity.” All existing non-conformities are legal and can continue as they were at the time zoning was adopted. Especially in the case of non-residential uses, such as commercial or home industry uses, it is important to establish a record that the use preceded the adoption of the regulation. This is also true when the regulations are changed.

But what if want to add on to my house and it is an “existing non-conformity” I still grandfathered?

No, what we generally think of as “grandfathering” doesn’t apply to proposed construction or changes of use. For example, if you are adding to your house and it is an existing non-conforming structure because it sits in the front yard setback, construction which is proposed within that setback area may or may not be allowed by the zoning regulation. You should consult with the ZEO about the specifics of your proposed construction.