Affordable Housing Plan - Information and Public Survey

Your Input is Important. Please take the survey!

The Town of Pomfret is developing an Affordable Housing Plan. The goal is to create a plan that reflects Pomfret’s unique needs while simultaneously mapping a path to develop the kinds of housing options that will serve residents at all stages of life, and across income levels.

One of the most important elements in creating a workable plan is to meet the priorities of residents. All residents are asked to access the survey (or fill out a paper copy) to provide input into development of the Plan.

QR SurveyThe survey is available on-line at (and the link below), from the QR code (right), and in hard copy at Town Hall. All responses are anonymous. Your particpation is greatly appreciated.

The Town of Pomfret seeks resident input - Take the on-line survey. Click here.

The Town of Pomfret received a grant from the Connecticut Department of Housing to develop an Affordable Housing Plan.  The grants were awarded to help bring all of Connecticut's communities into better alignment with the requirements of Connecticut General Statutes 8-30j, which requires that every municipality write such a Plan every five years.