Registrars of Voters

The Office of the Registrars of Voters is run by two part-time Registrars who are elected for a four year term. The Registrars administer elections, primaries, and referendums for the Town of Pomfret; conduct an annual canvass of Pomfret voters; and maintain the Town's voter rolls according to State statutes.

Total Registered Voters as of January 1, 2024: 2896.

Citizen feedback is welcome, please click here to send us your comment.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Martha Emilio (01/06/21 -01/08/25) Republican Registrar (860) 974-0343
Susan Devokaitis (01/06/21-01/08/25) Democratic Registrar (860) 974-0343
Caroline Hopkins Republican Deputy Registrar (860) 974-0343
William Anderson Democratic Deputy Registrar